Source: Clarence E. Sinn, “Music for the Picture,” Moving Picture World 19 July 1913, 303.From Huntington, Va.: “I don’t suppose you often get a letter from a drummer with a score of music for the picture, but I am an exception. Although I am a drummer I also play piano, having studied it for several years. Am playing with a young lady (Miss Shirley Notter), also a good musician and picture player, so between us we pick out music for the picture; it ought to be pretty good as two heads are better than one. I would like to see ‘Music for the Picture’ every week, as it is just as necessary as any other of the departments. Why don’t you get after the musicians for not sending in any more ‘dope’? We are playing Universal pictures and find in them a good field for good music.
“Am sending in three scores we used last week. If you think they are any good I will send in more every once in a while.”“Thus Saith the Lord” (Eclair).
Part One.
- “The Palms,” until title: “While Jesus and the Twelve Disciples, etc.”
- “Perfume” (From Suite, “My Lady’s Boudoir”—Witmark), until title: “Five Wise Men and Five Foolish Virgins, etc.
- “Thais” (Valse Oriental—Jos. Stern), until it shows virgins coming out of door; then:
- “Bells of Seville” (Valse—Walter Jacobs), until title: “Attracted by Curiosity, etc.”
- “On a Sunny Morn” (Theo. Presser), until title: “Wednesday Feast Drawing Near, etc.”
- “Shahin Shan”—Oriental Valse (Smith & Brown, pub.), until title: “Here Comes the Bridegroom.”
- “Roman Emperor March” (Sinn’s Orpheum Collection), until end of reel.
Part Two.
- “Old English Dance” (Theo. Presser, pub.), until it shows Jesus and Disciples. Then:
- “Perfume” (From Suite, “My Ladies’ Boudoir”), until title: “Our Father, etc.”
- “Oriental March” (From page 12 of “A Tragedy of the Desert”), until title: “Hallowed Be Thy Name.”
- “Barcarolle” from “Tales of Hoffman,” until title: “Thy Kingdom Come.”
- Third Movement “Poet and Peasant Overture” (Allegro), until title: “Thy Will Be Done.”
- Pathetic until title: “Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread.”
- Prayer from “Der Freischutz,” until title: “Forgive Us Our Trespasses.”
- Hurry—slow down with action and gradually get down to pathetic until title: “Lead Us Not Into Temptation.”
- Massenet’s “Elegy,” until title: “But Deliver Us From Evil.”
- Storm (No. 42, Sinn’s Orpheum Collection), until title: “For Thine Is The Kingdom.”
- Heavy bass chords until title: “And After Jesus Had Finished, etc.”
- “Perfume,” until end of reel.
_____“Slavery Days” (Rex).
- “Old Folks at Home,” until it shows colonel and wife.
- “Maurice” Valse Lento, until title: “Colonel Called Away On Business.”
- Pathetic until title: “The Maid Takes Care of the Baby.”
- Waltz (No. 2 from “Sign of the Rose”—Vandersloot, pub.), until she brings the baby back.
- Lullaby from “Erminie” until: “Colonel’s Return.”
- Lively waltz until: “Fourteen Years Later.”
- “I’ll Change the Shadows to Sunshine” (Witmark), until it shows girls and mother on porch.
- Pathetic until it shows them out in the woods.
- “Trail of the Lonesome Pine” (Shapiro), until title: “Robert Fails, etc.”
- “Jack O’Lantern” (Flirting Princess), until ballroom.
- “Flo Waltz” from “Maid and Mummy” until end of reel.
Part Two.
- “Just My Style” (From Fantana), until girl comes upon them.
- Agitato until it shows Robert himself.
- Sentimental until title: “The Slave Dealer, etc.”
- Intermezzo until Charlotte sells Tennessee.
- Hurry until Robert comes to tell them.
- Sentimental until girl runs on.
- Hurry’s from this on; heavy chords for burning and agitato for boat race until title: “Twenty-four Hours Later.”
- Intermezzo until they come out of church.
- “Here Comes the Bride” until end of reel.
_____“Crossed Swords” (Great Northern).Part One.
- Third movement “Raymond Overture” until inside house.
- “Hallowe’en Valse Lento” (from “Wonderland”), until ballroom.
- “Birds and Butterflies” (Espressivo movement), until title: “Both Love the Same Girl.”
- When I Dream of You” (Forrester, pub.), until title: “A Serious Accident.”
- Agitato; work up into a “hurry” with action until inside house.
- Pathetic, until title: “Experimenting With Airship’s Guns.”
- I’ll Introduce You to My Father” (from “A Modern Eve”), until title; “The Proposal.”
- Waltz until ball.
- Grand March (No. 2, C. L. Johnson’s picture music), until title: “At the Club.”
- Waltz until end of reel.
Part Two.Leo Volkenrath, Lyric Amusement Co., Huntington, W. Va.
- Six-eight March until: “He Shows Her, etc.”
- “Jingles” Intermezzo until it shows one officer creeping after the other.
- Mysterious—work up into hurry until man by fireside.
- Sentimental until title: “His Great Day.”
- “Bobbing Up and Down” (Theo. Morse), until engine room.
- “Jingles,” until officer about to turn crank.
- Agitato—work up into hurry until shot.
- Sentimental until working guns.
- Jingles intermezzo until inside house.
- Waltz until end of reel.
I am sure the constituency is under obligation to Mr. Volkenrath, and we hope he will call oftener than “every once in a while.”_____Look Out For a Sheet Music Fakir.
Galesburg, Ill., July 2.
Editor Moving Picture World:
Dear Sir:—Through the columns of your paper I would like to voice a warning to nickel-theater men, particularly those of the Middle West, against a young man who represents himself as Ted Johnson, of the Snyder Music Co. Mr. Johnson is soliciting orders for professional copies of music, claiming that for two dollars a year his company will send three copies of new music weekly together with a catalogue of music arranged for moving picture playing.
Mr. Johnson cleaned up on all the Galesburg houses two seeks ago for music orders. He found ready purchasers. But since his exit no music has been received and enquiry at the office of his supposed employer developed that he was a fraud.
Mr. Johnson is of medium height, well built but not heavily, light haired, has a nervous manner and is well acquainted with the picture business. He is wanted in the city for forging the Snyder Company’s signature to a check.
Yours very truly,
R. C. Schroeder,
Mgr. Colonials of Galesburg.
Monday, March 22, 2010
More Musical Suggestions
This week's "Music for the Picture" consists largely of musical suggestions provided by a drummer in Virginia. In addition, the page carried a warning from a manager in Illinois about a disreputable music salesman.